Greg Moore On What To Expect From Next BCLC CEO

This week, Greg Moore, chairman of the board of directors of the British Columbia Lottery Company, appeared on the NL Morning News. There, he spoke about Crown’s recent decision to save a new CEO and president and shared expectations of what their qualities are with the ideal candidate to lead the state-run agency forward.

BCLC is the body that regulates all legal gambling and lottery activities in British Columbia. Headquartered in Camloops, all revenue from gaming revenue is reinvested in the state’s infrastructure, community, education and healthcare. Profits from online platform PlayNow are also reinvested in the state’s economy.

In his appearance, Mr. Moore shared some thoughts and predictions about what the BCLC’s ideal new chairman and CEO should be. According to him, the new chairman should be active and engaged similar to the previous Jim Lightbody and reside in Camroops, which is closest to Crown Corporation’s headquarters.

The chairman of the board explained that Crown Corporation is looking for the next chairman and CEO, but has no plans to relocate its headquarters outside Camroops. According to him, most of Crown’s executives currently work for Camroops, but the CEO will take on key roles in Camroops and Vancouver offices.

Last week, the state-run agency officially began work to find a replacement for Lightbody, who stepped down from his post last December. The former president was diagnosed with cancer and has been on sick leave since 2019. According to Mr. Moore, it could take four to five months to find a new leader for the company.

In addition, Mr Moore noted that Mr Lightbody was extremely involved in Camroups’ community with Blazers and business groups. He expects the new candidate to participate equally. In the meantime, Linda Kavanaugh will continue to serve as interim president and CEO until a permanent successor is found and steps into the role.

The stability and well-being of the BCLC is very important for British Columbia. In August, Crown posted its financial report for the 2020-21 financial year. According to the review, Crown provided a net profit of $419 million for the fiscal year.

In addition to securing millions of Canadian dollars in income, the BCLC also pays hundreds of millions of Canadian dollars to lottery players. At the end of 2021, Crown reported a cash prize of CA$891 million to local residents, with a total of 102 million lottery tickets won. This is the largest lottery payment in the history of the region.

BY: 동행복권파워볼

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