Pollard Notes Congratulate Mcodo on Nomination

Most recently, Pollard Banknote Ltd. applauded its subsidiary, Emcodo Ltd., for being nominated for the Women’s Technology Employer of the Year Award. 바카라사이트 A subsidiary of the Manitoba-based lottery provider has been nominated for the Best Graduates Employer Award to commemorate employers who have made further efforts to narrow the gender gap in the technology sector.

As already mentioned, Mcordo is a subsidiary of Pollard Banknote Ltd, headquartered in the UK. Companies deliver global omnichannel apps and web products to the lottery, betting and gaming industries. In addition, we provide expert consulting and app management services to our industry’s operational partners.

The Best Graduates Employer category creates an opportunity to start a technology career by recognizing employers who have worked hard to provide opportunities for female graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Winners will be announced in London, UK, on May 26, 2022, along with 15 categories.

Mkodo was nominated for the Evolution Scheme Program, launched five years ago by Stuart Godfree, the company’s executive director and co-founder. And the focus is on investing in the next generation of talent looking to start their careers in mobile application technology. Participants cycle through the company’s main areas in different departments for 12 to 18 months of training.

Thanks to the Evolution Scheme Program, many female employees have joined mkodo, and many have pointed to it as a major factor in their careers in the field after graduation. McGlen, the supplier’s chief engineer, was given the opportunity to work in an app for Canadian lottery customers after joining.

Margaret Proven, vice president of human resources at Pollard Banknote, said on behalf of the company, congratulations on Mkodo’s recognition at the Women in Tech Employee Awards 2022. She explained that empowering women in the technology sector is of paramount importance to the company and that subsidiaries are pleased to promote this diversity in the workplace.

Pollard Banknote was nominated for several awards earlier this year for outstanding service to the lottery industry. For example, at the 2022 International Game Awards, the company competed with the American Game Company of the Year for two awards for Lottery Product of the Year. This year’s event was held on 11 April 2022 at a special event in London, England.

In addition, Shaper Systems, a subsidiary of lottery technology and content providers, was nominated for the lottery prize of the year, and was nominated for the brand’s state-of-the-art Select 4 Instant Ticket Vending Machine. This product can sell lottery tickets immediately without the need for an actual cashier in a market that has proven difficult. This includes bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, and coffee shops.

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